//----------------------------------------------------------- // Counter-Strike //----------------------------------------------------------- // In this file you can modify the sound the textures give // when the player walks on them // // Location: X:\halflife\valve\sound\materials.txt // // NOTE: only the first 12 characters of the texture name are used // NOTE: a maximum of 512 textures may be tagged in this file // // 'M' metal // 'V' ventillation // 'D' dirt // 'S' slosh liquid // 'T' tile // 'G' grate (Concrete is the default) // 'W' wood // 'P' computer // 'Y' glass // 'N' snow // 'X' grass N snow N A_Snow N znow1 // AS_OILRIG G TSBgVent M TSCaution M TSCprFlr M TSCrteSd M TSCrteTp G TSFlrGrt M TSHull2 M TSHull4 M TSHull7 M TSHull8 M TSHull9 M TSIBeam G TSNoSkd M TSOily M TSPlainRed D TSRfGrvl G TSShutters G TSVent //----------------------------------------------------------- // plane.wad //----------------------------------------------------------- M 747wall_x4 M -1a747plane_x4 M -0a747plane_x4 M 747inv_block M planegen1 M pl_out_shell4a M pl_out_shell3 M pl_out_shell_dr M overhead_x4 W curtain3 W blueback_x4 W chair1_x4 W planeseatsideba //----------------------------------------------------------- // itsItaly.wad //----------------------------------------------------------- D brickPath W 64crate0 W 64crate1 W 64crateTop W bigCrate0 W bigCrate1 W bigCrate2 W bigCrateTop W chestDrawers W crateBox W crateBoxLabel W oldWood W panelWood W wBarrelSide W wBarrelTop W wdnDrawer W wdbDrawers //----------------------------------------------------------- // cs_bdog.wad //----------------------------------------------------------- M TrainTop01 M TrainTop02 M DumpsterFront M DumpsterSide D Tracks01 D Tracks02 D Gravel01 D Gravel02 D GravelGrass01 D GravelGrass02 D GravelGrass03 D GravelGrass04 D Grass01 W Wood01 //----------------------------------------------------------- // cs.wad //----------------------------------------------------------- V {cstrike_OE4Ven W -0cstrike_FJ2Dk M -0cstrike_ME1Pl M -0cstrike_ME2Ri T -0cstrike_MH5Tl W -0cstrike_MJ2Sg M -0cstrike_WE1Mt M -0cstrike_WE4Al W -1cstrike_FJ2Dk M -1cstrike_ME1Pl M -1cstrike_ME2Ri T -1cstrike_MH5Tl W -1cstrike_MJ2Sg M -1cstrike_WE1Mt M -1cstrike_WE4Al M -2cstrike_ME1Pl M -2cstrike_WE1Mt M -3cstrike_ME1Pl M -4cstrike_ME1Pl M -5cstrike_ME1Pl M -6cstrike_ME1Pl M cstrike_CE2XCng T cstrike_CH3Tile W cstrike_CJ2Beam M cstrike_DE6Horz M cstrike_DE6Vert W cstrike_DJ2Old G cstrike_FE2Gtng M cstrike_FE2Sqrs M cstrike_FE4Crgd T cstrike_FH4WtTl W cstrike_FJ2Dock D cstrike_FT2Dirt D cstrike_FT2Mud D cstrike_FT4Apht M cstrike_ME1Clng G cstrike_ME1Grat M cstrike_ME2DRst M cstrike_ME2RstW M cstrike_ME4DCln M cstrike_ME4Greb M cstrike_ME4Metl G cstrike_ME4Radr M cstrike_ME7Caut M cstrike_OE1BxSd M cstrike_OE1BxTp M cstrike_OE1LgBm M cstrike_OE1SmBm M cstrike_OE2StrR V cstrike_OE2Vent M cstrike_OE4FnVt M cstrike_OE4Pnl M cstrike_OE4PnlH V cstrike_OE4Vent G cstrike_OE6TnkF G cstrike_OE6TnkS M cstrike_WE2Ribd //------------------------------------------------------------ // chateau.wad //------------------------------------------------------------ G {cxchana G {cxchanb M {cxcnstrctpoles D {cxcrtna D {cxcrtnd D {cxcrtnf M {cxgate M {fence2 W cxbarrela D cxbooksa D cxbooksb D cxbooksc D cxbooksd D cxbookse D cxbooksf N cxbrusha N cxbrushb D cxcnstrcttarp D cxcnstrcttarpb W cxcnstrctwooda W cxcnstrctwoodb D cxcrptb D cxcrptc D cxcrptd W cxdecwdc W cxdecwdd W cxdrc W cxdrd D cxgrounda D cxgroundc D cxgroundd D cxgroundh D cxgroundk T cxmarblec T cxmarblee T cxmrbla W cxroofa D cxruga G cxsolida G cxsolidb G cxsolidc W cxstairsd W cxstairse W cxstairsf D cxtapa D cxtapb D cxtapc D cxtapd D cxtape D cxwllbooksa W cxwllh W cxwooda W cxwoodb W cxwoodd W cxwoodf W cxwoodh W cxwoodi W cxwoodj W cxwoodk W cxwoodl W cxwoodm //------------------------------------------------------------ // de_piranesi.wad //------------------------------------------------------------ M {pi_benchside W {pi_chairback M {pi_orrery01 M {pi_orrery02 M {pi_orrery03 M {pi_railing M {pi_scaffold M {pi_window W pi_art1 W pi_art2 W pi_art3 W pi_art4 W pi_barrel W pi_barrelt W pi_bcase W pi_bigdoor D pi_brusha D pi_brushb M pi_buckets S pi_buckett W pi_chairleg W pi_chairtop T pi_floorst1 T pi_floorst1g T pi_floorst4 T pi_floorst4g T pi_floorst5 W pi_floorwd1 W pi_floorwd2 W pi_floorwd3 M pi_grnmetal M pi_grnmetalp M pi_grnmetalt X pi_ground M pi_lantern M pi_motor M pi_orrery04 M pi_orrery05 M pi_orrery06 M pi_orrery07 D pi_potb T pi_roof T pi_roofedge D pi_rug1 D pi_rug2 D pi_rug3 D pi_rug4 D pi_rug5 D pi_rug6 M pi_rust M pi_scaffold2 W pi_secretf W pi_secrets T pi_signexc T pi_signexd T pi_steptop1 T pi_steptop1d M pi_sundial Y pi_ticketwnd W pi_treetr1 W pi_treetr2 W pi_wood1 W pi_wood2 W pi_wood3 W pi_wood4 W pi_wood5 W pi_woodceil //------------------------------------------------------------ // de_airstrip.wad //------------------------------------------------------------ W {ikcanopt W {ikcanopy W {ikcnp1 G {ikfencea G {ikfenceb G {ikfencec W {ikjungwt W {ikjungwt2 W {ikjungwt3 W {ikjungwt4 W {ikvinea W {ikvineb D {ikvinec W {ikvined W -0ikjungw W -1ikjungw W -2ikjungw M ikbarls1 M ikbarls2 M ikbarls3 M ikbarls4 M ikbarlt1 M ikbarlt2 M ikbarlt3 M ikbarlt4 W ikcratea W ikcrateb W ikcratec W ikcrated W ikcratee W ikcratef W ikcrateg W ikcrateh M ikftanks M ikftankt X ikgrndj D ikgrndjt D ikgrndrt D ikgrndrw D ikgrnds D ikgrndt D ikgrndt2 D ikgrndt3 D ikgrndte D ikgrndte2 D ikgrndte3 W ikjungw D ikjungwg M ikmetla M ikmetlb M ikmetlc W ikvines //----------------------------------------------------------- // Valve's Textures //----------------------------------------------------------- V DUCT_FLR01 V DUCT_FLR01A V DUCT_FLR02A V DUCT_VNT V DUCT_VNT2 V DUCT_WALL01 V DUCT_WALL02 V DUCT_WALL03 V DUCT_WALL04 V SILO2_COR D OUT_GRVL1 D OUT_GRVL2 D OUT_GRVL2B D OUT_GRVL3 D OUT_MUD1 D OUT_SND1 D OUT_SND2 D OUT_SND2B D OUT_SND2C D OUT_WLK D OUT_GRSS1 D OUT_DIRT1 D OUT_DIRT2 D GENERIC48 D GENERIC49 D GENERIC51 D GENERIC52 D GENERIC93 D OUT_PAVE2 D OUT_SNBAG D OUT_SNBAG2 D OUT_SNBAGB D OUT_SNBAGC D OUT_TNT2 D OUT_TNT1 D OUT_TNT1B D OUT_TNT1C D OUT_TNT3 D OUT_TNT3B D OUT_NET1 D OUT_NET1B D FROSTSEWFLR G GENERIC109 G GENERIC015C G GENERIC015D G GENERIC015E G GENERIC015F G GENERIC015G G GENERIC015H G GENERIC015I G GENERIC015 G GENERIC015A G GENERIC015B G BABTECH_FLR02 G CRETE2_FLR03 G CRETE2_FLR03A G CRETE2_FLR03B G CRETE2_FLR03C G ELEV1_FLR G ELEV2_FLR G ELEV_FLR G GRATE1 G GRATE2 G GRATE2A G GRATE3A G GRID1 G GRID2 G TNNL_FLR12 G TNNL_FLR12A G TNNL_FLR1A G LAB1_STAIR2A G FROSTFLOOR G GRATE4A G GRATE3B G GRATESTEP1 G GRATESTEP2 G GRATESTEP3 G GRID1 G GRID2 G GENERIC015V M C1A1_FLR1 M BABFL M C2A3TURBINE1 M C2A3TURBINE2 M C2A3TURBINE3 M C2A3TURBINE4 M SILO2_P2 M SILO2_P2B M SILO2_P3 M SILO2_P4 M SILO2_PAN2 M SILO2_W1 M SILO2_W1A M SILO2_WALL1 M SILO2_W2 M BABTECH_C5 M LAB3_FLR2A M LAB3_FLR2B M FIFTIES_CMP3 M LAB1_STAIR2B M OUT_QUNST11 M FREEZER_FLR1 M GENERIC015N M GENERIC015P M GENERIC015R M GENERIC0150 M GENERIC015S M GENERIC015T M GENERIC015U M GENERIC015V M GENERIC015V2 M C1A4_DOME3 S GENERIC_114 S WATERBLUE S WATERGREEN S TOXICGRN S FLUID1A S FLUID1B S FLUID2 S FLUID3 S FLUID4 S WATERSILO S WATERSILO2 S WATERF S FLUID1A T FIFT_BLOODFLR T FIFT_BLOODFLRA T FIFTIES_F01 T FIFTIES_F02 T FIFTIES_F03 T FIFTIES_F03B T FIFTIES_FLR01 T FIFTIES_FLR02 T FIFTIES_FLR02B T FIFTIES_FLR02C T FIFTIES_FLR03 T FIFTIES_FLR03B T FIFTIES_FLR5 T LAB1_BLUXFLR1 T LAB1_BLUXFLR1B T LAB1_BLUX1 T LAB1_BLUX1B T LAB1_C4003 T LAB1_C4A001 T LAB1_C4B002 T LAB1_C4D2 T LAB1_CAB2 T LAB1_FLOOR2A T LAB1_FLOOR2B T LAB1_FLOOR3 T LAB1_FLOOR4 T LAB1_FLOOR5 T LAB1_FLOOR6 T LAB1_FLOOR10 T LAB1_FLR3 T LAB1_FLR4 T LAB1_FLR4B T LAB1_FLR4C T LAB1_FLR4D T LAB1_FLR5B T LAB1_FLR5C T LAB1_FLR5D T LAB1_FLR5D T LAB1_FLR6B T LAB1_FLR6C T LAB1_FLR6D T LAB1_W8FLR1 T LAB1_W8FLR1B T LAB1_W8FLR1C T LAB1_W8FLR1D T C2A4_FLR6 T C1A2_FLR1 T C1A2_FLR2 T C1A0_LABFLRB T C1A0_LABFLRC T C1A0_LABFLRD T C1A0_LABFLRE T C1A0_LABFLR W CRATE01 W CRATE02 W CRATE02B W CRATE03 W CRATE04 W CRATE05 W CRATE06 W CRATE07 W CRATE08 W CRATE08B W CRATE09 W CRATE09B W CRATE09C W CRATE19 W CRATE20 W CRATE21 W CRATE22 W CRATE23 W CRATE25 W FIFTIES_DR6 W FIFTIES_DR6A W FIFTIES_CCH1 W FIFTIES_CCH2 W FIFTIES_CCH3 W FIFTIES_CCH4 W FIFTIES_DR1K W FIFTIES_DR2 W FIFTIES_DR7 W FIFTIES_DR8 W FIFTIES_DR9 W FIFTIES_DSK1 W OUT_SLAT01 W OUT_WD W OUT_CAC1 W OUT_CAC2 W OUT_CAC2 W BCRATE02 W BCRATE03 W BCRATE04 W BCRATE05 W BCRATE06 W BCRATE07 W BCRATE08 W BCRATE12 W BCRATE14 W BCRATE15 W BCRATE16 W BCRATE17 W BCRATE18 W BCRATE25 W BCRATE26 W CRATE10 W CRATE11 W CRATE12 W CRATE13 W CRATE24 W CRATE27 P C3A1_NRC2 P C1A1_GAD1 P C1A1_GAD2 P C1A1_GAD3 P C1A1_GAD4 P C1A1_GAD4A P C1A1_GGT8 P C1A4_PAN1A P C1A4_PAN1B P C1A4_SWTCH1 P C2A2_SATORB P C2A4_CMP1 P C2A4_GAD2 P C3A2A_W1D P C3A2A_W1E P C3A2A_W2D P C3A2A_W2E P DRKMTL_SCRN2 P DRKMTL_SCRN3 P DRKMTL_SCRN4 P DRKMTLT_WALL P FIFTIES_GGT8 P FIFTIES_MON1 P FIFTIES_MON1B P FIFTIES_MON2 P FIFTIES_MON2B P FIFTIES_MON3 P FIFTIES_MON3B P FIFTIES_MON4 P FIFTIES_PAN2 P GENERIC105 P GENERIC106 P GENERIC107 P GENERIC114 P GENERIC87A P GENERIC88A P GENERIC89A P GENERIC113 P LAB1_CMPM1 P LAB1_CMPM2 P LAB1_CMPM3 P LAB1_CMPM4 P LAB1_CMPM5 P LAB1_CMPM6 P LAB1_CMPM7 P LAB1_CMPM8 P LAB1_COMP1 P LAB1_COMP2 P LAB1_COMP3 P LAB1_COMP2A P LAB1_COMP10A P LAB1_COMP10B P LAB1_COMP10C P LAB1_COMP10D P LAB1_COMP10E P LAB1_COMP7 P LAB1_COMP8 P LAB1_COMP9A P LAB1_COMP9A2 P LAB1_COMP9B P LAB1_COMP9C P LAB1_COMP9D P LAB1_GAD2 P LAB1_GAD3 P LAB1_GAD4 P LAB1_RADSCRN2 P LAB4_GAD3 P LAB4_GAD4 P LAB4_SWTCH P LAB_COMPM4 P RECHARGEA P TNNL_GAD1 P TNNL_GAD2 P TNNL_GAD4 P C2A4C2C P C2A4W1B P LAB1_CMP P LAB1_CMP1 P LAB1_CMP2 P LAB1_COMP3 P LAB1_COMP3A P LAB1_COMP3B P LAB1_COMP3C P LAB1_COMP3D P LAB1_COMP4 P LAB1_COMP5 P LAB1_COMP7 P LAB1_COMP8 P LAB1_SW1 P LAB_CRT1 P LAB_CRT10A P LAB_CRT10B P LAB_CRT10C P LAB_CRT10D P LAB_CRT2 P LAB_CRT3 P LAB_CRT4 P LAB_CRT5 P LAB_CRT6 P LAB_CRT7 P LAB_CRT8 P LAB_CRT9C P CRETESTCH01A P DRKMTLLGT1 P FIFTS_LGHT01 P FIFTS_LGHT3 P FIFTS_LGHT4 P FIFTIES_LGT2 P FIFTS_LGHT5 P GYMLIGHT P LIGHT1 P LIGHT2A P LIGHT3A P LIGHT3B P LIGHT3C P LIGHT3D P LIGHT3E P LIGHT3F P LIGHT4A P LIGHT5A P LIGHT5B P LIGHT5C P LIGHT5D P LIGHT5E P LIGHT5F P LIGHT6A P METALSTCH2 P TNNL_LGT1 P TNNL_LGT2 P TNNL_LGT3 P TNNL_LGT4 P LAB1_GAD2 P ELEV1_DWN P SPOTBLUE P SPOTGREEN P SPOTRED P SPOTYELLOW P LAB1_GAD3 P LAB1_GAD3B P ELEV2_PAN P ELEV1_PAN P C2A4X_C3 P C2A4X_C1 P MEDKIT Y GLASS_BRIGHT Y GLASS_DARK Y GLASS_MED Y GLASSBLUE1 Y GLASSBLUE2 Y GLASSGREEEN Y GLASSGREEEN //------------------------------------------------------------ // cs_havana.wad //------------------------------------------------------------ // 'M' metal // 'V' ventillation // 'D' dirt // 'S' slosh liquid // 'T' tile // 'G' grate (Concrete is the default) // 'W' wood // 'P' computer // 'Y' glass // 'N' snow D cubed N cubrusha M cudumpsterc D cugroundb T cuiflra T cuiflrb T cuiflrc T cuiflrd T cuiflre T cuiflrf M custovetop M cutrashb W cuwoodm //cs_downed_cz G {grate_2 G {misc_grate P chopper_dash2 P chopper_dash3 D cr_dirt2 D cr_dirttrm1b D cr_dirttrm4b M cr_engine M cr_engine3 W cr_matbark M cr_matmetal M cr_metwheel X cr_moss1 M cr_planeb M cr_planefront M cr_planeint1 M cr_planeint2 M cr_planeint3b M cr_planeside1 M cr_planeside1z M cr_planeside2 M cr_planetail1 M cr_planetail2 M cr_planetail3 D cr_rbedtrm5b D cr_riverbank D cr_riverbed3 D cr_riverrock1 D cr_rivertrm1 W cr_shack W cr_shack2 W cr_shack3 M cr_shackroof2 M cr_shackroof3b W cr_shackwood M cr_stove1 M cr_stove2 M cr_stove3 W cr_woodslats W crate_gunF01 W crate_gunS01 W door2_1 M Pipeline2_1 D rubble3_1 D rubblebase1_1 W tk_mod-wood W wood_misc_plnk1 W WWD013 //cs_italy_cz // 'M' metal // 'V' ventillation // 'D' dirt // 'S' slosh liquid // 'T' tile // 'G' grate (Concrete is the default) // 'W' wood // 'P' computer // 'Y' glass // 'N' snow // 'X' grass T bath-sn03a W boxsides_d03 W boxsides_T01 W boxsides03 W boxtops_T01 W boxtops03 T clay_tiles_XL_1 W cr_miscwood2b D lath_sn03 W picrate1 W picrate2 T ptilefloor1 W pwood1 W pwtrim1 W pwtrim2 W reinf_sided01 W reinf_sidedT01 T spanish_roof1_1 T spanish_roof2_1 W tk_barrel2 W tk_barreltop w trrm_wood2 W wBarrelTop W wfloor-sn00 W wfloor-sn01 W wfloor-sn01a W wfloor-sn02 W wfloor-sn05 //cs_militia_cz // 'M' metal // 'V' ventillation // 'D' dirt // 'S' slosh liquid // 'T' tile // 'G' grate (Concrete is the default) // 'W' wood // 'P' computer // 'Y' glass // 'N' snow // 'X' grass D -0AzDirt D -1AzDirt D -2AzDirt D -3AzDirt W miCrtLrgSd W miCrtLrgTp W miCrtSmSd W miCrtSmTp D midirtfloor01 W mifence W mishing01 W mistairsd W mistairtop W mitabletop01 T mitilefloor01 D mitunnelflr01 W miunderwall W miwoodfloor01 W miwoodm W miwoodmtrim M MTL_IBEAM45a M MTL_IBEAM45b W wood_1 W wood093 W wood1 W wood155 //de_aztec_cz // 'M' metal // 'V' ventillation // 'D' dirt // 'S' slosh liquid // 'T' tile // 'G' grate (Concrete is the default) // 'W' wood // 'P' computer // 'Y' glass // 'N' snow // 'X' grass D azgrblend D azgrmoss D AzGrnd X azgrss W trrm_wood W WOOD_PLANK_7 W WoodCrateLid W WoodCrateLidSm W WoodCrateSd W WoodCrateSdSm //de_cbble_cz D CstCbbl X CstlGrass W djConstBlock W djCrateSd1 W djCrateSd2 W djCrateSd3 W djCrateSm W djCrateSmTp W djCrateTop //de_dust_cz M barrel_bio02 M barrel_bio03 M barrel_exp02 M barrel_exp03 M barrel_mtl02 W duCrtLrgTp W duCrtSmSd W duCrtSmTp M duMltryCrTp D duRoad D duRoadTgt D duRoadTgtA D duSand T dutile3 T dutile4 T dutile5 T dutile6 T dutile7 T dutile8 T dutile9 D SandRoadTgtB //de_fastline_cz // 'M' metal // 'V' ventillation // 'D' dirt // 'S' slosh liquid // 'T' tile // 'G' grate (Concrete is the default) // 'W' wood // 'P' computer // 'Y' glass // 'N' snow // 'X' grass G BR_elev_ceil T BR_elev_floor T tl_drk_flat T tl_gry_clean01 T tl_gry_clean01b T tl_gry_clean02 T tl_gry_clean03 T tl_gry_filth05 T tl_gry_flat T tl_gry_small01 T tl_nubby02 T tl_wht_clean01 T tl_wht_clean02 T tl_wht_clean03 T tl_wht_small01 //de_inferno_cz W eastcratelgtp W eastcratelgtp2 T FLR010 T i_ground1 T m_floor8 T misc_floor_tl1 //de_stadium_cz X cugroundd T drkmtlt_flr01 T drkmtlt_flr02 T drkmtlt_flr03 V duct_flr02 V duct_wall04 X grass2_1 X grassomatic T TileGreen0001 //de_tides_cz T msnTileflr X out_ground4 //de_truth_cz D canal_flr4_1 V duct_flr01a X grd_grs_pth_1 W jpntempceil1 W jpntempceil2 T misc_floor_rib W oak01 T fr_tile_1 W wood_dojoflr W wood_flr23 W woods_plank_org W WWD003 W WWD013 //de_vostok_cz // 'M' metal // 'V' ventillation // 'D' dirt // 'S' slosh liquid // 'T' tile // 'G' grate (Concrete is the default) // 'W' wood // 'P' computer // 'Y' glass // 'N' snow // 'X' grass N snw_grnd_1 N stn_flr_cbble N stn_flr_pl_bmb N stn_flr_plst T stn_flr_plstb N wd_drk_snow N wood_crate_tp N stn_rooftl_sm1 N flr_mud_snow //de_sienna_cz W djCrate1Top X djGrass1 D djGrass4 T djGrnd1_a T djGrnd1_b T djGrnd1_c T i_floor1 T i_floor2 //cs_office_cz N cnc_tiretr